the 'you' i meant in my title is not a human being, it's my blog actually. yeah, i'm not that into blogging anymore.
as for now, i don't see the point of updating this space when i have awesome people around me to listen to my crappy stories. so i think this space has became irrelevant/unwanted/dusty/boring or whatever ( named it). and my daily hits has obviously gone down drastically ever since i stopped updating this pathetic blog.
but anyway, i'm so happy that i can finally cash out a three-figure earnings from nuffnang. like finally huh?
so blogging is not that bad after all, right? at least i can earn some extra money to spend on some pretty clothes or save up to buy 'the-thing-that-i've-always-longed-for'. hehe
oh well, maybe i'll try to update once a week lah.
seriously, i've no idea what am i trying to say over here.
forgive me lah, i'm quite stressed out lately - due to lots of circumstances. acca is definitely one of them. now i'm already half dead in the fundamental level, i wonder how am i going to survive p level.
aiya, just let it be lah!
'cause i have my Awesome Father above to help me, and also my lovely pa and ma who will never fail to support and encourage me!
my pa with my dream car.
my ma who is the 'slightly' older version of me, but with a sharper nose.
p.s. the reason i post the photos of my pa and ma over here is because i personally like the photos very much and i like how i edited it. haha! my parents are so awesome kan?
that's all for now first lah! will come back with more nonsense soon, i suppose.
hey darlings, how was your chinese new year celebration so far?
mine was great, and tiring as well. (:
so, chinese new year is all about family, love, red, visitations, reunions, ang paos, happiness, laughters, chor dai di, kids etc etc, and of course, FOOD!
every chinese new year is always a time of 'food-fellowship', every places you go or every houses you visit, food is always the first thing that's served to you.
yeah, all those food shown above are digesting in my stomach right now, urgh, i feel so bloated.
all i need now is either some winter melon tea or a can of jolly shandy, i don't think my stomach can take in anything solid anymore. so, drinks will do.
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, i'm gonna go enjoy my cold drinks right now. tata! will come back with more updates about my cny celebrations, very very soon.
we, a bunch of current and upcoming sunway acca club (SAC) committees brought the kids from the trinity children centre home out for a day trip to petrosains.
venue : petrosains, suria klcc
date : 17th december 2009
so, before leaving to klcc, we gathered at the trinity home and the new SAC committees were introduced to the kids over there. then, we had to pick a kid to look after or, errr, to mentor. it's weird, but the uncle over there called us mentors, so i assumed that he actually meant - looking after the kids.
anyway, introducing you to......
the little girl whom i've randomly picked to look after.
......yours truly,
who was the so called 'mentor' for christina.
okay, when we were in petrosains......
petrosains formula one.
it was written there 'please do not climb',
but kids being kids, they still climbed on it.
and somehow i was stuck in an astronaut outfit.
then, we had toilet break......
vinnie said my christina is very vain
'cause she look in the mirror all the time.
but i think she's really cute and yeah, quite naughty at times.
i had fun spending time with her, really.
you know what, i think those kids really did enjoy themselves that day. and i'm sure most of us did enjoy spending time with them also, right? to see them being so hyperactive, running around like a bunch of crazy kids and also to see them with that very innocent and yet so cheeky smiles on their faces were priceless. (:
am really looking forward to visit them again on the coming fridays.
elecoldxhot - they are one of the best teams from astro battleground 2009, and yeah, their performances are just so entertaining! on top of that, they were actually the champion of battleground 2008, but back then they called themselves - ecx. this year, they have added in a new member who was one of the champion dancers of battleground 2007 - dennis, and i think he's the cutest among all of them. *smile*
okay, so the finale of battleground 2009 will be held in mos this saturday. well, i'm quite confident that they will win the championship again this year, as long as they do not make any mistakes during the finals. so, all the best to you guys!
why not i show you some of their performances from their audition till the semi finals?
sit back, relax, watch and enjoy!
the audition :
......if my boyfriend/husband were to be one of the dancers, dancing along this song, i'll be "owhhhhhhhhh....... i'm so touched."
preliminary 1 (group a) :
......"let's try something else, POKER FACE!" can you spot dennis? i'm sure you can, 'cause he was the one who ran towards the camera.
preliminary 2 (group a) :
......their dance moves looked so gay when they danced along the korean song, was that 'wonder girls' song? ohh, the indian dance was so o-m-g man! haha!
semi-final 1 :
......this one is very entertaining, i like the part where chris and dennis were fighting, it's so cartoon-fied. and the part where they had commercial break, if you did follow this show every week, you'll know why they did the gatsby ads.
semi-final 2 (part 1) :
......i've to admit that i had goosebumps when i first watch this on tv. i can't stand the colorful pants, the hair bands, the colorful necklace, the handkerchiefs and also the colorful belts. what is wrong with them? haha! but still, i think they are awesome.
semi-final 2 (part 2) :
...... dennis aka indiana jones bribed the bad guys just to get the golden shoe, lol! you know what, i think they should consider acting or being involved in some drama club or something like that, 'cause they can really act!
semi-final 3 (part 1) :
......okay, this one is my favourite. i did not expect them to turn into power rangers actually. i was laughing like mad when i heard the power rangers song, and also the part where the monster became so impatient when the others were dancing along the power rangers song. ohhh, these bunch of real crazy people.
semi-final 3 (part 2) :
......spanish bulls can dance huh?
"so all we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best"
by dennis.
i seriously can't wait to watch the finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...or when i'm studying alone, my mind tend to wander off.
the other day i was telling my course mates that i can't study on my own, i need someone or a group of people to be around me when i'm studying. when i say i want a group of people, i meant a group of people who are also studying. i remember during my spm year, i studied with a bunch of friends at teacher grace's place, that was when i could really focus and studied like a real nerd. (oh well, i wonder, should i really use the word - nerd on me?)
but anyway, my course mates were saying that they would prefer to study alone instead of in a group. i was like, why not?
okay, i'll tell you why i can't study alone, especially when i'm at home. i would rate my home as the most not conducive environment to study.
i'll give you four reasons.
#1 the fridge
......don't you tend to look for something to eat when you are studying / doing revision? snacks like chocolates, biscuits, ice creams etc? 'cause i always need to eat something to make myself stay awake while reading that freaking big stack of law or tax notes. so food is one of my so called distraction.
#2 the computer
......this is the most distracting one. i tried to discipline myself to not touch the computer for one whole day, but obviously i failed. blame the creator of facebook games! lol. those games like bejeweled, typing maniac etc are just so addictive. i kept playing those games just to beat the highest score, i know it sounds silly but yeah. anyway, i'm still trying very hard to not touch my laptop for one day, wish me luck on this. (: obviously i'm a person who is very lack of discipline.
#3 the television
......oh well, the television is not so bad. i don't spend the whole day in front of the tv but still it can be quite distracting. when i try to abstain myself from the computer, i turn to the tv when i'm fed up with my law notes. so conclusion, television is bad for me too!
#4 the loneliness
......don't worry, i'm not an emo freak. what i meant by loneliness is that i can't stand studying alone, i need someone to be around me to study with me, to discipline me, to help me with my law paper etc. the other day i was in the library, studying on my own, i find it quite effective you know? although there were lots of unknown people over there but we were all doing the same thing, which was studying. i think all i need is just a 'studying atmosphere' as it were, then i'm sure i'll be very focus. (why my course mates don't like group study one?)
anyway, nonsense aside 'cause finals is just one month away. i can use some of the negative adjectives to describe my feelings right now, i'm seriously very scared. i can't wait till it's finally over!
p.s. sigh, even if my finals is over, i still can't make it to camp. ):