Wednesday, September 2, 2009
7:44 PM
Comments: 3
i call it a reunion

how i spent my saturday night last weekend? it was a night spent with the high school mates and the primary kawans. since me and leng share the same bunch of primary and high school friends, we were stuck together the whole night.

the high school bunch.

the group photo.

zhang bin, me, leng, wei jian.

i'll show you a photo of us taken two years ago. want to see how much we have changed after we left high school?

changed a lot huh?
for better or for worse?

oh well, we hang out at wei jian's place for about an hour then immediately we rushed to the next destination to meet up with the other bunch of humans ie my primary school kawans.

the primary bunch.

we spent the whole night yum cha-ing at asia cafe and oops, i forgot to snap photos of everyone. okay, it was my fault, will snap more pictures when we meet again next time.

some photos taken while ah loo was pumping petrol.

eeee. we looked so weird.

and and we saw something quite ridiculous.

poor little barney was stuck under the car.
click on this photo to enlarge it if you can't see it.

♥ with love, sasa


melissa wong.


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