Monday, August 17, 2009
8:46 PM
Comments: 2
exams suck

yes, i know two scheduled posts were up. so i'll do a shorter update first, 'cause i'm still quite overwhelmed with what just happened today. i was like, o-m-g! you know what, i think God is just so amazing, no doubt.

it was just few weeks ago, i had a dream, or maybe i should re-phrase it to, 'i had a nightmare!' i dreamt that i failed all my papers, which is 5 papers in total. because of this stupid dream, i had sleepless nights ever since. but the reality tells me that i pass all my papers. that is why i am so omg now, so promise is always a promise. i'll keep my promise, fingers crossed.

there was more happiness in this post at first but i removed all of them because of the thought of one of my darlings is going to leave me, i just can't continue writing this post anymore. i will truly miss you my dear, remember our promises ok?

you know what, acca can be very killing! it can be so unpredictable.

♥ with love, sasa


melissa wong.


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